Ukraine, Kyiv, St. 7 Mykhaila Omelyanovicha-Pavlenko, of. 7.
1 USD: 41.79 UAH
1 EUR: 43.95 UAH
1 RUB: 0.38 UAH


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Joseph Maxtro
28.11.2021 00:24
kiev-mogilev podolsky 1 x passenger 3 x luggage bags 1 x digital piano 1 x instrument case plus soft bag with warm clothes. one way trip (about 400 kilomters) PS: I probably need a station wagon or a SUV PRICE IN UKRAINE CURRENCY
Your Driver
29.11.2021 09:10
Hello Joseph! Thank you for your interest in the services of our company! A trip by a station wagon car will cost UAH 3600.
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