м. Київ, вул. Михайла Омеляновича-Павленка, 7, офіс 7.
1 USD: 41.79 UAH
1 EUR: 43.95 UAH
1 RUB: 0.38 UAH
Увійдіть до свого аккаунту
Тоня и Павел
15 січня 2018

Меня зовут Тоня. Мы с мужем из города Киева. Заказали трансфер в аэропорт Борисполь. Всем довольна, в частности таким деликатным моментом -  видите белую трость. В нашей семье есть особые потребности. Мой муж потерял полностью зрение и для меня важно, чтобы люди помогали, но при этом помогали очень деликатно, то есть не навязчиво, чтобы мы чувствовали себя комфортно при этом. В компании «Ваш Водитель» все эти условия были соблюдены: нам помогли, мы чувствовали себя хорошо, все было удобно. Мы довольны.

Так же я хочу добавить. Меня зовут Павел. Нас очень порадовала пунктуальность. Машина была подана четко вовремя и мы добрались очень аккуратно и довольно быстро.

7 січня 2018

I’m Allan Gibbons and I do a lot of international travel. I’ve just found out about a company called Your Driver, that will help you make a transition in the international airport that can be confusing sometimes if you don’t know the language. We were flying out of Boryspil airport in Kyiv, Ukraine and we had a full service treatment. Your Driver took us from the curbside and helped us with our bags, helped us through all of the screenings, helped us through the ticket process. We had some unusual arrangements to make and it just worked our perfectly. We really appreciate the great service and the friendly service that we got.

3 січня 2018

Hello! My name is Karin Bingham. I’m from the United States. My husband and I have been here in Ukraine due to humanitarian service for about a year. We’ve used Igor and his other drivers for many things: to pick us up from the airport, to pick us at the apartment, to show us round the see sights of Kyiv and explain some of its history. We appreciate them very much – they are always prompt, their English is excellent, and I highly recommend them to you to help with any of the business you have to do here in Kyiv or in area around here. You can contact Igor at Your Driver. All you have to do is look it up on the Internet and you’ll be very pleased with what they do.

3 січня 2018

Hello! I’m Brand. We’ve been here in Ukraine for about a year on humanitarian services. We’ve used Igor and Andrey as your drivers both for airport pick up and transfer but also to drive around Kyiv and most of the towns in central and northern Ukraine. The service has been phenomenal. They are very knowledgeable of roads, the town, where to find things. Their English is excellent. Their vehicles are in excellent shape and extremely comfortable. I would highly recommend them for all your business. They have additional services they can offer. You need to contact them for that. Thank you very much and again I would highly recommend them.

20 грудня 2017

Hi! My name is Lisa. I’m from America. I came to Ukraine for a Fulbright award and I’ve been using Your Driver for transport from Boryspil airport as well as railway. I’ve found them on the Internet and they’ve been great. Very safe cars, very safe driving, I felt safe I would come on time, very personal when they picked me up, and we always know how much it costs, very reasonable price. I recommend if you come you Ukraine from wherever you have, this is a great service to help you go where you need to go. Thanks Your Driver!

15 грудня 2017

Hi! My name is Ralph. I’ve been in Kyiv for two months now. I’ve used the services of YourDriver.com.ua three times and they are wonderful. They will take you where you want to go, they come on time, they have good vehicles and they speak English. They are very dependable. I highly recommend YourDriver.com.ua.

13 грудня 2017

Hello! My name is Gerald Roth. I’m from Salzburg, Austria. For the last year my wife and I live in Kyiv, Ukraine, and we often need to go to the airport, so we use Your Driver Company. And I can tell you that drivers are always punctual, the cars are clean and the drivers are friendly. So the service is great. Thank you very much!

Mrs. Roth
13 грудня 2017

My name is Mrs. Roth. I’m from Austria. I’m now living for a year in Kiev and I love to use the Your Driver Company, because we often get visitors from our country and then I will call this Company to pick them up from the airport because Your Driver Company is really reliable. I like the clean cars and the friendly drivers. They speak English so I can talk to them. I’m happy to have them and I rely on their service.

5 грудня 2017

My name is Marilee. I’m from Utah. We have used Yourdriver. com.ua for many of the services that we need here. We have wonderful drivers that we’ve enjoyed being with, both Igor and Andrey, they drive us from the airport to our home, to our businesses. They are friendly. The cars are clean. Things go very efficiently with them and we just enjoy being with them. Their English skills are excellent and they help us with whatever we need. I do recommend them as drivers.

15 листопада 2017

Hello! My name is Juan Turruellas. I am software executive based in Florida in the US. And I want to share with you the great experience we have had over last 3 years using YourDriver.com.ua services headed by Ihor. He has a great team of great English speaking drivers that are curtest prompt and always on time. If you are planning a trip to Ukraine, I strongly advise you to reach out to YourDriver.com.ua and let Igor and his team take good care of you while you are in Ukraine. They will promptly pick you up at the airport with great English skills. And transfer you safely to your hotel. Ask them about their other services like translating services, legal services, travel services within the city. Again Igor has never let us down. We will continue to use his services for years to come. I encourage you to do the same.


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